Students of Social Communication spread outreach activities through the radio

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Nancy Ulloa


Educating through the radio is one of the strategies to reach the masses with an alternative message of great importance. This refers to issuing innovative different information with an attractive language with which people identify. According to Mario Kaplún, Argentine, teacher and researcher specialized in educational communication; the point of convergence between communication and education is in the structure of the messages that pass from the one who emits it to the one who receives it. From this perspective, the PUCE-SI School of Social Communication set out to fulfill the objective of informing and educating the community through a radio program called “Aula 8”. Eighth level students anxious to discover how the Catholic University is linked with society developed several investigations in the schools of the Headquarters, among the most important were: consulting project for the formation of micro-enterprises by the School of Business and Commerce International, training project of popular communicators for people with disabilities led by the School of Social Communication, mediation process for the negotiation of the Ibarra - Otavalo road, training for artisans of the community of La Esperanza so that they can commercialize handicrafts, etc. in order to structure a radio program, whose content was based on the intervention of University actors in activities of connection with the community.


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How to Cite
UlloaN. (2010). Students of Social Communication spread outreach activities through the radio. AXIOMA, 1(4), 31. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Nancy Ulloa, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Docente de la Escuela de Comunicación Social


Ulloa, N. (2010). Estudiantes de Comunicación Social difunden actividades de vinculación a través de la radio. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(4), 31. Recuperado a partir de