Design of energy saving system using solar energy as a alternative

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Glenis Senovia Pomasqui Ibadango
Irene Marisol Revelo Portilla


In recent years, Ecuador has had electricity rationing that has destabilized the country's business sector. Also, there are concerns from all those who have been affected by the consequences of climate change, and it is for this reason that  an increase in renewable energy is sought, more so because besides being a constitutional mandate, it is one of the cornerstones of the National Plan for Good Living which mentions "change the extractive development model, inequitable and unsustainable, towards a new inclusive and sustainable model." In this sense, with the aim of contributing to the reduction of thermal energy use, an energy saving system using solar energy as an alternative is proposed and to encourage a foray into green technologies and the culture of respect for the environment and nature. Considering that solar photovoltaic panels are an innovative alternative and provide signiicant competitive advantages because they use the sun as main raw material, which helps to consume less fossil fuels, which are responsible for global warming (CO2). The proposal is to locate the system on the terrace of building number two with the capacity to generate 25,000 kwh per year, thereby saving on average emissions of CO2 15875.00 kilograms equivalent to 15.88 tons of CO2.


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How to Cite
Pomasqui IbadangoG. S., & Revelo PortillaI. M. (2013). Design of energy saving system using solar energy as a alternative. AXIOMA, 1(10), 10-15. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Glenis Senovia Pomasqui Ibadango, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Docentes Pontiicia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra PUCE-SI


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