Man: God's Work or Evolutionary Product? The Problem of Creation and Evolution

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Santiago Acosta Aide


This article presents the shortcomings of two ideological conceptions that exclude each other—creationism and evolutionism, and proposes an articulated comprehension of creation and evolution as two mutually complementary views. It focuses on the creation and evolution of human being, and offers an understanding of the origin of matter and life from Fernando Rielo’s metaphysical and ontological thought, which is known as the “genetic conception of the principle of relation”. This principle is explained more in reference to its application to the concepts of creation and evolution, rather than in its metaphysical grounding.


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How to Cite
AideS. A. (2014). Man: God’s Work or Evolutionary Product? The Problem of Creation and Evolution. AXIOMA, 2(11), 34-37. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Santiago Acosta Aide

Investigador de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL).


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