New Forms of Patrimonial Management in Ibarra County

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Tomás Cordero Ruiz


The main lines of work followed in the “Supplemental Project for the Development Plan and Territorial Zoning and Joint Development Nodes with Rural Decentralized Autonomous Governments in Ibarra County” are detailed and integrated into the Prometeo program under the direction of Eur. Ph. D. Thomas Cordero Ruiz. The example of the patromonial measures applied in Ibarra County could well serve as lines of work in other Ecuadorian counties where the appreciation of the rich cultural heritage seems like an essential element in changing the production model and the outlined objectives in the National Plan for Good Living.


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How to Cite
RuizT. C. (2014). New Forms of Patrimonial Management in Ibarra County. AXIOMA, 1(12), 5-10. Retrieved from


DOCUMENTOS DEL ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites):
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DOCUMENTOS DE LA UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi-zation):
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