Family and sociocultural factors that influence teen pregnancy in the city of Pasto. Nariño. Colombia

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Adriana Isabel Delgado
Nelby Marcillo Benavides
Sandra Valenzuela Argoty
Mary Erazo Estrada


This article resulted from an investigation, whose objective was to determine family and sociocultural factors that influen­ce teen pregnancy. The methodology was qualitative, interpretive, with a historical hermeneutic approach, descriptive, thoroughly analyzing the information using the techniques of Fernando Velasquez. The instruments implemented were a focus group, a life story with an interview, and concluding in mixtures or semantic networks. Also used for analysis is Angela Hernandez, who tálks about family as an ecosystem immersed in a social culture, Bandura, who emphasizes the belief system and values, and Ginder, who talles about the importance of decision making.  Among the main results obtained in a sample of five pregnant teenagers, and their conclusions are that the teens

were in grades 9, 10, and 11 and enrolled in the institution. Their families are from a low socioeconomic class with few job opportunities and deficits in communication skills in the home as a major shortcoming. Therefore assertive commu­nication must be emphasized as one of the best alternatives for the teenagers to have the opportunity to express their way of thinking, feeling, and acting in conflicts that are generated in their personal, social and scholastic life, thus driving their life project. Also, their parents do not assume an attitude of openness to dialogue, so we can say that there is no real communication to determine where an exchange of ideas and feelings takes place that allows personal growth of the adolescent. From the point of view of sociocultural factors the irrational and subjective beliefs are highlighted such as the use of "lemon alkaserset, aspirin", "stand up immediately after having intercourse" and how they are handled by the adoles­cents in family planning. The lack of accurate and timely information both in school and at home, in terms of sexual and reproductive health makes irresponsible.


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How to Cite
DelgadoA. I., Marcillo BenavidesN., Valenzuela ArgotyS., & Erazo EstradaM. (2015). Family and sociocultural factors that influence teen pregnancy in the city of Pasto. Nariño. Colombia. AXIOMA, 2(9), 26-30. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Adriana Isabel Delgado, Universidad Mariana

Docente en la Facultad de postgrados y relaciones internacionales-salud

Nelby Marcillo Benavides, Universidad Mariana

Gerencia de la promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad.

Psicóloga, Odontóloga.

Sandra Valenzuela Argoty, Universidad Mariana

Estudiante de la Especialidad. Gerencia de la promoción de la salud y prevención de las enfermedad

Mary Erazo Estrada, Universidad Mariana


Estudiante de la Especialidad. Gerencia de la promoción de la salud y prevención de las enfermedad


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