The influences of music therapy in addressing learning difficulties

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María Luisa Montánchez


Music therapeutic activity is beneficial for those students with learning difficulties, more specifically, maladaptive beha­viors, promoting communication and socialization skills, which, in most cases, they rack. Nonverbal parameters investigated which can be stated are that music therapy has positively modified maintaining eye contact and smiling in the sessions. Among the verbal components, we find that small gains progressively evolved in each of the sessions. These children are characterized by introversion and shame, but in succeeding sessions, we observed a slight increase in the verbalization of their concerns and spontaneous communication. This means that they were confident in themselves and have confidence about their actions and behaviors. Another important aspect was naturally get involved in musical activities, enjoying themselves, and reducing their level of anxiety that was brought to the sessions. In summary, music therapy has encouraged communication, both verbal and nonverbal, and social interaction. It has: led to emotional expression, developed its own initiative, established a therapeutic relationship, boosted their self­confidence, and empowered bodily relaxation.


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How to Cite
MontánchezM. L. (2015). The influences of music therapy in addressing learning difficulties. AXIOMA, 2(9), 37-42. Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Luisa Montánchez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas

Docente - investigador de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación


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