Cryopreserved Embryos as Subjects of the Law. General

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Joanne Elizabeth Carrasco Mora


The present article intents to publicize, in a general way, the thesis elaborated by the author, prior obtaining the title of lawyer, in which is demonstrated with factual facts the quality of the human embryo as a subject of law with life starting at conception; the urgency of regulating the legal status of this large group of people who are currently defenseless and vulnerable in the normative sphere. The thesis also includes the design of the General Alignments to regularize the legal status of the embryo in Ecuador, including the legal institution of Prenatal Adoption of the Cryopreserved Supernumerary Embryos in the country.


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How to Cite
MoraJ. E. C. (2015). Cryopreserved Embryos as Subjects of the Law. General. AXIOMA, 2(13), 10-17. Retrieved from


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