Estrés laboral y sus efectos psicosomáticos en el personal obrero del Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas "MTOP" Zonal 4

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Jonathan Efren Pico Arreaga
Guadalupe Del Rosario Bravo Cedeño


Job stress has been one of the most important issues to deal with in Latin American work environment, since it is a factor that affects an influence on the performance of workers, and, as regards the product or service that every institution provides the public. For this reason, institutions must maintain an optimal work environment for their proper
functioning. Specifically, in the MTOP, being the main institution in charge of preparing the Ecuadorian public works, it is crucial to maintain a correct work environment, so that its workers enjoy optimal mental health in the same way. For them, the research sought to evaluate the levels of occupational stress present in the workers of the institution, for
this, the Hock Psychosomatic Problems Questionnaire can be analyzed, which allows to establish quickly and effectively the levels of stress present in the population, which was made up of 63 workers, of whom 68% of the sample presented stress levels, among which only 6% maintained medium-level stress. On the other hand, it was possible to
show that factors such as being married, having children and maintaining symptoms related to anxiety or depression they are predisposing variables or predictors of the presence of work stress.


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How to Cite
Pico ArreagaJ. E., & Bravo CedeñoG. D. R. (2020). Estrés laboral y sus efectos psicosomáticos en el personal obrero del Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas "MTOP" Zonal 4. AXIOMA, (23), 39-44. Retrieved from


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