Comparación técnico-económica del hormigón en losas tipo deck, utilizando fibras de acero vs. malla electrosoldada

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Wilson Cando Tipan
Sebastián Constante


This research means to establish how effective the replacement of reinforcing steel with electro welded mesh, conventionally used in composite steel floor decks, by Dramix®️ steel fibers, to control cracks in the concrete surface.

The behavior of both options was evaluated, based on the contraction and expansion that occurs due to external agents of temperature, humidity, and wind, in order to determine the most efficient system in economic, technical and constructive terms.

For the technical comparison, the standard ASTM C1579 was used; for the economic comparison, the unit price analysis (UPA) was applied in both cases. The determination of the constructive efficiency was evaluated from bibliographic references. For the technical analysis complementary standards were used, to determine the mechanical properties of the materials the ASTM standards were applied and for the dosage of concrete ACI regulations.

The obtained results are: in terms of technical analysis, cracking in concrete tiles reinforced with steel fibers, was reduced in a range of 21% to 29% compared to those that were reinforced with electro welded mesh; the economic analysis: in the first case, resulted in an approximate saving of 1.4% of the cost compared to the second; the constructive analysis shows that positive results were also obtained in the case of concrete with steel fibers, due to a reduction in items, times, logistics and occupational risks.

It was thus concluded that, in the three cases, steel fibers have greater advantages, for the phenomena studied, compared to electro welded steel mesh.

It was also concluded that any method of reinforcing composite steel floor decks, as well as a good surface finish and correct curing of the concrete, are necessary to reduce cracking.


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How to Cite
Cando TipanW., & ConstanteS. (2021). Comparación técnico-económica del hormigón en losas tipo deck, utilizando fibras de acero vs. malla electrosoldada. AXIOMA, 1(25), 32-42.


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