Use of repeated measures in patients with knee osteoarthritis - comparison of results in the implementation of segmental neuromio therapy

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Anna Gabriela Pérez
Ivonne Alejandra Sifontes


Osteoarthritis is a common disease in the population, mainly presented in older people, it affects the joints and causes a lot of pain. Efforts in scientific research regarding the treatment of osteoarthritis focus on offering patients better functional ability on the parts of the body involved and decrease pain, this resulting in quality of life. In this research, a clinical method called segmental Neurotherapy was applied to a group of female patients affected, and compared with another group that did not receive it, the effect of the treatment was observed. The objective of the research consists on determining the effect of Neurotherapy in reducing pain. To make comparisons between treatments, nonparametric tests were performed in the intra and inter-group evaluation. Finally, a repeated measures ANOVA was performed.


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How to Cite
PérezA. G., & SifontesI. A. (2016). Use of repeated measures in patients with knee osteoarthritis - comparison of results in the implementation of segmental neuromio therapy. AXIOMA, (15), 26-34. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Anna Gabriela Pérez, Universidad de Los Andes

Docente – Investigadora de la Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Venezuela.

Ivonne Alejandra Sifontes, FACES-ULA

Egrasada de la Escuela de Estadistica. FACES-ULA


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