CmSERK gene is expressed in response to the attack of pathogen fungi Colletotrichum acutatum and Botrytis cinerea
Contenido principal del artículo
The genus Cattleya groups orchids originate in tropical zones of South and Central America. One of the most representative species of ornamental importance is Cattleya maxima Lindl. In this study the fungal pathogens Colletotrichum acutatum and Botrytis cinerea were isolated and their pathogenicity was determined by in vitro inoculation of Cattleya maxima. Pathogenicity tests resulted positive for infection with C. acutatum after seven days of inoculation while as for B. cinerea the symptoms of infection appeared after two days. Quantitative PCR revealed that CmSERK gene is more expressed in tissue under fungal attack. These results suggest that CmSERK gene plays an important role in the activation of defense-related responses.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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