Self-Education and Training Program for the Code of Children and Adolescents

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Silvia Cevallos


In an agreement with the Federation of Community Organizations of Imbabura (FOCI) and under the auspices of the Christian Children's Fund (CCF), the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra (PUCE-SI) complies with an important element of the institutional Vision: "be recognized by a pertinent investigation and an effective university extension, that contributes to improve the quality of life of the Ecuadorians ".


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How to Cite
CevallosS. (2009). Self-Education and Training Program for the Code of Children and Adolescents. AXIOMA, 1(5), 18. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Silvia Cevallos, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Asistente Dpto. de INvestigación


Cevallos, S. (2009). Programa de Autoformación y Capacitación del código de la niñez y la adolecencia. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(5), 18. Recuperado a partir de