The microenterprise in Ibarra lesson of work, effort and perseverance

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Patricia Merino


Ibarra, the White City, that's how white is the hair of Doña Inesita, a character who leaves her house every day, on a Chopper brand bicycle from the 80s, hanging two reed baskets on her handlebars and covered with white tablecloths that He shows the care that he puts in his work, in which he takes the batch of bread that he prepared that day, to distribute it in some stores in the city of Ibarra. Work that was born out of a need to support his family and is now also recognized as a social icon, a hard-working person and an example to follow.


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How to Cite
MerinoP. (2010). The microenterprise in Ibarra lesson of work, effort and perseverance. AXIOMA, 1(4), 23. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Patricia Merino, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Coordinadora de Investigación Escuela de Negocios y Comercio Internacional


Merino, P. (2010). La microempresa en Ibarra lección de trabajo, esfuerzo y constancia. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(4), 23. Recuperado a partir de