The right to be a person

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Juana Sánchez
Gey Venegas


In pluralistic societies, the development of common values ​​is required: the dignity of the person, promoting culture, the cultivation of dialogue as a way and way of addressing conflicts, tolerant values ​​and attitudes, etc ... In the Vienna Convention of 1993, in which an important group of countries, led by China, attacked the declaration of human rights calling it Western and sectarian, Boutros-Ghali, UN Secretary General, warned, with reason, that "the rights of man who we enunciate, and that we seek to guarantee, can only be the result of an improvement, the product of a conscious effort to rediscover our common essence, beyond our separations, our momentary differences, our ideological and cultural barriers ”.


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SánchezJ., & VenegasG. (2010). The right to be a person. AXIOMA, 1(4), 48-49. Retrieved from


Sánchez, J., & Venegas, G. (2010). El derecho de ser persona. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(4), 48-49. Recuperado a partir de