Research teachers by competencies, requirement of the new Higher Education Law

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Silvia Cevallos


The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, consistent with its responsibility as an indicator of Higher Education Evaluated by CONESUP in "Category A" and Accredited by CONEA, makes it necessary to adapt the policies and guidelines that the institution uses to relate the training processes with research production, based on the requirements of the new regulatory entities of Scientific and Technological Research. That the New Organic Law of Higher Education establishes and in relation to the Strategic Plan of the University Venue (2009-2016), in which, in one of its objectives it states "To train researchers with ethical and scientific solvency at the teaching and student level to plan , develop and project research ”and as a strategy Create the appropriate conditions to generate scientific and technological research with teachers.


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How to Cite
CevallosS. (2010). Research teachers by competencies, requirement of the new Higher Education Law. AXIOMA, 1(6), 19-20. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Silvia Cevallos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Asistente Departamento de Investigación de la PUCE-SI


Cevallos, S. (2010). Docentes investigadores por competencias, exigencia de la nueva Ley de Educación Superior. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(6), 19-20. Recuperado a partir de