The beliefs of self-efficacy in the pedagogical practice of the university professor of Humanities, Social Sciences, Education and Administrative Sciences

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Oscar O. Valverde Riascos


This research aims to describe and analyze self-eficacy beliefs in teaching practices of the Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Accounting, Economics and Management Sciences at the university that can be important and meaningful for teachers. The methodological approach was part of the plurimethodical paradigm including a mixed method design and a kind of exploratory, descriptive and comparative research, using techniques such as questionnaire of Prieto (2005) “Teacher Self-Eficacy Scale of University Professor” and interview and observation guides applied to the focus groups of three universities professors. This research can contribute to the relection of teacher self eficacy, by the emerging inquiry, by the vagueness and ambiguity related to teaching practice. Self-eficacy beliefs are a cognitive mediator between thought and action and it can be an excellent and powerful predictor of human behavior.


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How to Cite
RiascosO. O. V. (2011). The beliefs of self-efficacy in the pedagogical practice of the university professor of Humanities, Social Sciences, Education and Administrative Sciences. AXIOMA, 1(7), 33-36. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Oscar O. Valverde Riascos, Universidad Mariana-Pasto

Decano de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales


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