Proposal of a model of connection with the community from the University

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María Cristina Rosero Ortiz


In accordance with the Organic Law of Higher Education in force to this date, in Art. 87 it states that: “As a prerequisite to obtaining the degree, students must accredit services to the community through pre-professional internships or internships, duly monitored, in the fields of their specialty, in accordance with the general guidelines defined by the Council of Higher Education ", as well as, in Art. 88 it states that:" To comply with the obligation of services to the community, it will tend to benefit rural and marginalized sectors of the population, if the nature of the career allows it, or to provide free care services ”. Added to the above is what is indicated in the General Regulations of the Organic Law of Higher Education of September 2, 2011, in Art 17, which states that: "The Academic Regime Regulations shall regulate matters related to the programs and courses related to society, as well as continuing education courses, taking into account the characteristics of the institution of higher education, its careers and programs and the needs of national, regional and local development ”. Additionally, the statement made by the Council for the Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ecuador (CEAACES) is also considered, in the document called: General Model for the Evaluation of Careers with Accreditation ines Quito 2011, at point 5.9 Criterion I: Links with the Community.- “The link with the community, projected from the perspective of the careers, must have mechanisms for the development of activities that allow the establishment of relationships between students and teachers with the social, economic environment and productive. That is, procedures or regulations that facilitate the execution of technical assistance, laboratory analysis and tests, consultancies, clinics, student internships, end-of-degree projects and other related activities. These activities and their results must be related to the professional area of ​​the career and preferably carried out in the last three years of the same, in a modality of: agreement, agreement, contract or other form of cooperation. The record of it must have a description of its characteristics, the number of teachers and students involved and the duration in hours (for each student and teacher) as well as the results and their evaluation ”. With this background, the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra (PUCE-SI), through the Liaison Area, sees fit to propose the following procedure model proposal for the execution of outreach activities towards the community, which can be carried out from each academic unit or university level.



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How to Cite
OrtizM. C. R. (2011). Proposal of a model of connection with the community from the University. AXIOMA, 1(7), 43-45. Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Cristina Rosero Ortiz, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Presidenta de la Comisión de Vinculación