Retrospective and projection of the School of Social Communication

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Unidad de Comunicación Institucional





















The management of the School of Social Communication reflects various activities from the areas: teaching, research, linking, administrative management and internal student practices. In 2011 the students, teachers and administrative staff of the School participated in multiple academic activities; such as the cycle of conferences in the event called "Communicators 2011" attended by delegates from the national media, held in March together with the Student Association. Another relevant activity was the concentration with former graduates of the School to talk about freedom of expression. This debate was carried out through the first round table where students and graduates shared academic experiences and agreed on the work that remains to be done to respect freedom of expression.


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How to Cite
InstitucionalU. de C. (2011). Retrospective and projection of the School of Social Communication. AXIOMA, 1(7), 49. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Unidad de Comunicación Institucional, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Unidad de Comunicación Institucional