Discrete choice experiments to analyze the quality of service in freight transport

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Ana Isabel Arencibia Pérez
Maria Feo Valero
Leandro García Menéndez
Concepción Román García


To determine the level of satisfaction of freight services, users jointly assess several attributes that represent different aspects of the level of service. From a methodological point of view, the research tríes te tind the weights with which individuals evaluate these attributes vvithin vvhat is considered the level of satisfaction or utility. Te achieve these objecti­ves, the analysis focuses on obtaining preferences using discrete choice experiments or stated preference (PD),With this information we can estimate discrete choice models, which allow us te get a representation of the utility function from which you can obtain a measure of the overall quality of service and the willingness to pay for improvements in it, Test resulta represent valuadle tecla to guide policy when shipping.


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How to Cite
Arencibia PérezA. I., ValeroM. F., García MenéndezL., & Román GarcíaC. (2012). Discrete choice experiments to analyze the quality of service in freight transport. AXIOMA, 1(8), 5-10. Retrieved from https://pucesinews.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/360
Author Biographies

Ana Isabel Arencibia Pérez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Personal Investigador en formación. Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Turismo

Maria Feo Valero, Fundación Valenciaport

Jefe de Proyectos

Leandro García Menéndez, Universidad de Valencia


Concepción Román García, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Catedrática. Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Turismo


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