Improvement and Implementation of two efficient nutritional formulas for the cultivation of roses that are developed in saline soil in the EQR Equatoroses “San Luis” Farm, Province of Cotopaxi

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Angel Gustavo Vargas Toapanta


The development of rose cultivation in the soil of Cotopaxi, Ecuador does not allow the plants to develop and stems that are produced cannot be exported. The soil has the following characteristics: high salinity, a high electrical conductivity of O, 6 mmhos / cm en average, a high water table which produces water of poor quality with a high content of calcium bicarbonates for fertigation, and a high content of boron and sodium that does not allow alI the nutritional elements present in the soil to be absorbed by the plant. Furthermore it causes burning in the root system of the plant and the absence of rootlets. To solve the problem, we identified the factors that are involved in the nutritive process and established which of these can be controlled, modified, or changed to meet the optimal requirements that the crop needs for normal development and to reach its full genetic potential in quality and productivity.


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How to Cite
Vargas ToapantaA. G. (2012). Improvement and Implementation of two efficient nutritional formulas for the cultivation of roses that are developed in saline soil in the EQR Equatoroses “San Luis” Farm, Province of Cotopaxi. AXIOMA, 1(8), 18-25. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Angel Gustavo Vargas Toapanta, Equatoroses

Gerente técnico de EQR Equatoroses “San Luis”


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