Amaranth, a nutritional alternative

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Iván Santiago Galarza Cachiguango
Santiago Israel Falcón Gordillo


The aim of this paper is to present the development of a drink based on amaranth, a little known pseudocereal, together with a combination of ingredients rich in calories and vitamins, such as sugar cane, milk, and naranjilla. This product is prepared in workshops for the gastronomy major in the Northern Technical University. That inal product was sent to the laboratory for bromatological studies, which proved the high nutritional value of the drink and that amaranth keeps its nutritional properties after undergoing cooking. Also, the history of this grain Andean grain, amaranth, which has been relegated to the largely contemporary cuisine is given. This is based on relevant literature from authors such as: Peralta, Mexican Association of Amaranth, among others, and also life experiences of Oxfam Specialist Mr. Favio Scotto.


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How to Cite
Galarza CachiguangoI. S., & Falcón GordilloS. I. (2013). Amaranth, a nutritional alternative. AXIOMA, 1(10), 16-21. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Iván Santiago Galarza Cachiguango, Universidad Tecnica del Norte

Docentes–Investigadores de la Universidad Tecnica del Norte, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, carrera de Gastronomía

Santiago Israel Falcón Gordillo, Universidad Tecnica del Norte

Docentes–Investigadores de la Universidad Tecnica del Norte, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, carrera de Gastronomía


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