Multimedia Tools such as Methodological Strategy for Teaching and Learning at the Basic Level of Architecture Workshop

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Giovanny Darío Guerrero Quimbiulco


This article aims to show the application of media, multimedia resources, and materials to enhance the teaching and learning in Workshop, a basic introductory level class in the Architecture major at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Ibarra campus. Students currently entering universities are increasingly involved in a computing environment and they are always looking for new solutions. This demands an improvement in human potential and equipment requiring ongoing training and updating computer systems and equipment. Architecture presents us with increasingly competitive proposals for which it is intended to use multimedia with the ability to integrate text, image, sound, animation and video. This allows a multidisciplinary and innovative experience between teachers and students while achieving significant learning and stimulating self learning in the search for knowledge so that students are able to propose new options in the exhibition and presentation of their design work.


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How to Cite
QuimbiulcoG. D. G. (2014). Multimedia Tools such as Methodological Strategy for Teaching and Learning at the Basic Level of Architecture Workshop. AXIOMA, 1(12), 40-46. Retrieved from


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