Abstract concepts, notations and conventions in university physical sciences teaching

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Richard A. Campusano


In this research we discuss and analyze some abstract concepts, notations, nomenclatures and conventions that hinder the learning of physical concepts that subsequently affect students in their correct execution, application and interpretation, given the diversity of notations and definitions for the same concept. Among these, concepts such as zero vectors and zero scalar, decimals and significant figures, average speed and average speed, mechanical work and its restrictions, sign conventions, among others, appear. Various sources of information were reviewed in which it is presumed that the reader must know the limitations of the formulas or laws to be applied, as well as definitions and different notations for the same concepts. This work advocates for greater uniformity in technical notation and for a clearer definition of complex concepts that also have variable degrees of difficulty for their learning. It is concluded that the teachers must explain these notation and definition concepts at the beginning of their courses.


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How to Cite
CampusanoR. A. (2018). Abstract concepts, notations and conventions in university physical sciences teaching. AXIOMA, (17), 108-117. Retrieved from https://pucesinews.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/516
Author Biography

Richard A. Campusano, Universidad de La Serena (Chile), Depto. de Física y Astronomía.

Centro de Información Tecnológica, Monseñor Subercaseaux Nº 667, La Serena - Chile


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