Five years of implementation of the free trade agreement between colombia and the united states: socioeconomic analysis of the rice producing sector

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Anderson Javier Quintero
Scarlet Yamely Sotomayor Tacuri


This work arises from a master's thesis1, whose objective was to analyze the economic and social implications of the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the United States on the rice producing sector in the Department of Meta. Two categories of analysis were addressed: i) Use of macroeconomic variables: Revealed Comparative Advantage -ICVR-, Importing Intensity Rate and Commercial Complementarity Rate to identify the commercial flow between both countries; ii) Mechanisms of social struggle for the conditions of the rice market. It was found that, in economic terms, Colombia has a trade deficit in rice production due to poor exchange conditions. In social terms, they negatively affect the living conditions of small farmers and increase territorial dispossession.


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How to Cite
QuinteroA. J., & Sotomayor TacuriS. Y. (2018). Five years of implementation of the free trade agreement between colombia and the united states: socioeconomic analysis of the rice producing sector. AXIOMA, (18), 5-13. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Anderson Javier Quintero, Consultor del Consejo Noruego para Refugiados, Bogota-Colombia.

Consultor del Consejo Noruego para Refugiados, Bogota-Colombia.

Scarlet Yamely Sotomayor Tacuri, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Bogota-Colombia

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Bogota-Colombia


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Entrevista #1, 03 de febrero 2015, departamento del Meta
Entrevista #2, 04 de febrero 2015, Bogotá.
Entrevista #3, 11 de febrero 2015, departamento del Meta
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