Mathematical model approximation for corn biomass (zea mays l.) production with and withoutassociation to a legume

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José Valdemar Andrade Cadena
Luz Marina Rodríguez Cisneros
María Rosa Mosquera Lozada
Jorge Arroba Rimassa


This research is aimed at doing an approximation to a mathematical model creation to know the growth dynamics of local varieties of corn, cultivated in association or not with a legume in the agro-ecological conditions of Imbabura Province. The model development started with the corn planting at different times of the year (2015 and 2016) in the Experimental Farm at the “Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador” located in Ibarra; for this, a randomized complete blocks design was used in A x B factorial arrangement. After the statistical analysis, differences were established among the sowing seasons, but not for the varieties nor the association with the legume; that is why, a preliminary model was established for the corn cultivation in similar agro-ecological zones. The conclusion was that a minimum relative humidity increment of the air influences directly on the biomass yield of the corn grown in the conditions of Ibarra City.


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How to Cite
Andrade CadenaJ. V., Rodríguez CisnerosL. M., Mosquera LozadaM. R., & Arroba RimassaJ. (2019). Mathematical model approximation for corn biomass (zea mays l.) production with and withoutassociation to a legume. AXIOMA, (20), 65-76. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

José Valdemar Andrade Cadena, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Ibarra, Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas y Ambientales, Ibarra, Ecuador

Luz Marina Rodríguez Cisneros, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Ibarra, Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas y Ambientales, Ibarra, Ecuador


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