Feasibility of solar collectors use to obtain hot sanitary water, applied to social housing
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The subsidy for electricity and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in Ecuador will at some point be unsustainable, that is why; that the need arises to seek and resort to non-polluting alternative energy sources such as solar energy. In this sense, the present research seeks to analyze the feasibility of using solar collectors to obtain sanitary hot water (DHW) in social housing through virtual simulation; taking as a case study the housing project "Ciudad Victoria" of the city of Loja. The methodology begins with the calculation of energy demand by family, from fossil, electrical and solar sources for subsequent contrast. Then, we proceed with the calculation and pre-sizing of the solar collectors according to the international regulations for use, application and installation. Finally, using the F-Chart method, the annual collector coverage is calculated based on climate data from the sector. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using solar thermal collectors in the study area, satisfying the need for sanitary hot water of the inhabitants at low cost, which economically benefits the population, the State and the protection of the environment.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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