Síndrome de Asperger desde una visión socioeducativa en la pandemia en Ecuador

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Cristian Chamba
Amparo Erazo Clerque
Katalina Ontaneda-Cordero
María Gabriela Romero-Ochoa


Asperger's syndrome is a life condition that affects children and adolescents in areas of neuronal, psychological, cognitive, and social development; This group has been violated in the educational field during the pandemic, causing desertion. The educational system was not sufficiently prepared to meet the differentiated needs of this group of people, with the pressure falling on their families to attend to educational and therapeutic areas, assuming this responsibility to avoid the setback of their children with the progress achieved. The social deficiencies of people with this syndrome often cause them to be perceived as eccentric or two dissocial people, but if their behavior could be properly recognized, there would be less room for negative interpretations, requiring more information on the subject. It is important to know the situation of girls, boys and adolescents with Asperger syndrome as a result of the Pandemic, studying their social, medical, rights, educational and family development. The methodology was based on semi-structured interviews through observation and direct communication with parents and professionals in the area of therapies and educational environment. A lack of specific programs, differentiated for inclusion, that address individual characteristics was determined. A differentiated pedagogical adaptation is required by the managers and supervisors of the Inclusion Support Units and the Student Counseling Department, working in coordination with teachers and parents in the application of public policies that guarantee inclusion, as they require a personalized education. The study determines that 79,2% did not receive training from the Ministry of Education for online work, which is why there was student desertion in this pandemic. It is necessary for the State to implement specialized institutions for the education of people with this disorder.


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How to Cite
ChambaC., Erazo ClerqueA., Ontaneda-CorderoK., & Romero-OchoaM. G. (2022). Síndrome de Asperger desde una visión socioeducativa en la pandemia en Ecuador. AXIOMA, 1(26), 52-59. https://doi.org/10.26621/ra.v1i26.730


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