Evaluación de escenarios de acceso a crédito en explotaciones lecheras de la provincia de Cotopaxi

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Nelson Lascano
Daniel Castillo
Ana Córdova
Lilian Morales
Christian Franco-Crespo


The export and import of fresh milk represent a generation of resources that contribute to the world economy (US D11380 million for 2020). In Ecuador, livestock production and specialized dairy production generate income for large and medium-sized farms. However, small dairy farms have become a source of income. The purpose of this study is to analyze the certainty of raw milk production in the Province of Cotopaxi. The methodology has a quantitative approach, under a cross-sectional analysis of the data obtained during the years 2018, through surveys. A semi-structured survey was used to collect data with a sample of 366 farmers in the province of Cotopaxi. Therefore, the research analyzes the structural characteristics of land tenure, analyzed the Gini index, and a mathematical model application to simulate public policy scenarios of access to credit. The results show inequality in access to land (0.68 Gini index). Furthermore, in a conventional scenario of access to credit, large farms (> 1 ha) maintain a greater use of production factors. However, a simulated scenario, where small producers (< 0.5 ha) have access to credit, enables more uniform distribution of resources among all the groups observed. The study concludes that a change in the access to credit could promote an improvement in access to technology and hiring of labor in medium (0.5 ha – 1 ha) and small farms.


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How to Cite
LascanoN., CastilloD., CórdovaA., MoralesL., & Franco-CrespoC. (2022). Evaluación de escenarios de acceso a crédito en explotaciones lecheras de la provincia de Cotopaxi. AXIOMA, 1(26), 37-44. https://doi.org/10.26621/ra.v1i26.798


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