Analysis of the formation of nanopigments with annatto extract used in the dyeing of 100% cotton.
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The search for more sustainable and less polluting alternatives for the textile industry has led to exploring the use of natural and organic pigments for dyeing fabrics. The objective of this research is to analyze the formation of nanopigments with annatto extract for use in 100% cotton dyeing. The scientific method used is experimental and observation, in addition several qualitative techniques are used and for the extraction goes through dynamic maceration, rotavapor, separation with hydroxides and extracts a random sample is taken and for convenience the homogeneous mixture is made with the nanoclay where the nanopigments were obtained through a synthesis process in which hydrated clay of Trimethyl Stearyl Ammonium was used as a support, and organic molecules of annatto were inserted. Then we proceed to dye several samples of cotton by recipe provided, to later perform the washing. The nanopigments obtained were characterized by various techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy SEM and with the spectrophotometer the color fastness to the wash is evaluated and by the Cie94 calculator the Delta-E is obtained. Among the SEM findings the sample Co_9 Trimethyl + P has a titration (2) = presence of NP, with a reddish-orange brick color with (∆E = 58.61) the opposite happens with the sample Co_5 Trimethyl + R, is valued as (1) = reduced presence NC, has a color: Very weak pale yellowish (∆E = 3.46 ) and the solidity of the dye was evaluated and the dry and wet rubbing is also assessed with the gray scale. Likewise, the average yield of 9.09% is obtained, obtaining results in terms of solidity 1 and color change 5 in fabrics dyed with solid pigment as opposed to low fastness in fabrics with liquid dye. Therefore, it is concluded that the annatto nanopigments obtained are a viable and sustainable alternative for textile dyeing and its application in the textile industry.
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