Teaching competencies to adapt to the use of ICT in the statistics teaching process.

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Lizbeth Gisselle Ponce Tituaña
Fabiola Irene Tituaña Suárez
Roberto Wladimir Páez Herrera
Noralma Magdalena Quelal González
Myriam del Pilar Tupiza Cumbal
Henry Alejandro Verduga Shiguango


The research question to be addressed by the academic work is How should teaching competencies be adapted to the use of ICT in the statistics teaching process? The main objective of this academic study is to identify the competencies that teachers should develop in order to adapt to the use of ICT. The specific objectives are to describe and characterize the digital competencies needed for teaching statistics. The methodological approach of this study is qualitative and descriptive in scope. A systematic review of the information was carried out, following some stages proposed by the PRISMA statement. In addition, a triangulation of the information was carried out to increase the reliability of the bibliographic sources used in the conceptualization. In reference to the most relevant findings of this work is that having given an excessive emphasis on digital competencies has led to a research neglect of emotional competencies, which can have negative consequences on teaching practice and on both personal and professional well-being in the educational community. Likewise, another finding was that the competency model proposed by UNESCO seeks to address the needs of teachers considering a variety of contexts, while the European Commission's model focuses on the more specific needs of the countries that are members of the European Union. In addition, one of the most relevant conclusions was that the effective integration of ICT in the statistics teaching process requires a holistic approach, addressing both the technical skills and the pedagogical and emotional competencies of teachers.


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How to Cite
Ponce TituañaL. G., Tituaña SuárezF. I., Páez HerreraR. W., Quelal GonzálezN. M., Tupiza CumbalM. del P., & Verduga ShiguangoH. A. (2024). Teaching competencies to adapt to the use of ICT in the statistics teaching process. AXIOMA, 1(31), 5-10. https://doi.org/10.26621/ra.v1i31.951
Author Biographies

Lizbeth Gisselle Ponce Tituaña, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Lizbeth has a Bachelor's Degree in Education Sciences, mention in Social Sciences (Universidad Central del Ecuador); Bachelor's Degree in History and Social Sciences Pedagogy (Universidad Central del Ecuador); Specialist in New Information and Communication Technologies (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar); Master's Degree in Education Research (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar); Candidate for a Master's Degree in Political Sociology (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Sede Ecuador). Teacher at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences in the careers of Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages English; Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and Biology; History and Social Sciences.

Fabiola Irene Tituaña Suárez, Ministerio de Educación

Irene has been a teacher of Basic General Education in the Ministry of Education for 38 years. She has a degree in Educational Psychology (Universidad Central del Ecuador) and a Masters in Educational and Social Project Management (Universidad Central del Ecuador).

Roberto Wladimir Páez Herrera, Unidad Educativa Municipal San Francisco

Roberto holds a Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences, mention in Commerce and Administration (Universidad Central del Ecuador), a Master's Degree in Educational Management (Universidad Central del Ecuador), a Master's Degree in Administration of Financial and Human Resources in the Educational Sector (Universidad Central del Ecuador), and is a teacher at the San Francisco Municipal Educational Unit.

Noralma Magdalena Quelal González, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Noralma has a Bachelor's Degree in Education Sciences, High School Teacher in the Specialization of Biology and Chemistry (Universidad Central del Ecuador); Master's Degree in University Teaching and Educational Administration (Universidad Tecnológica Indoamerica). Teacher at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences in the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and Biology.

Myriam del Pilar Tupiza Cumbal, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Myriam, Bachelor in Ecological Tourism (Universidad Central del Ecuador); Master in Environmental Education (Universidad Central del Ecuador). Teacher at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences of the Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences, Chemistry and Biology.

Henry Alejandro Verduga Shiguango, Unidad Educativa Municipal Calderón

Henry, Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación mención Docencia en Cultura Física. 


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