The project for the conservation of genetic resources and food security advances

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Fredhy Castillo Valenzuela


Food safety

The concept of food safety has undergone several modifications since the 70s, precisely when it began talking about the supply of food and its safe storage.

For the 1980s, the concept continues to incorporate new axes such as the economic one, it is determined that access to food depends on the income and rights that people have in their own development context.

In the 90s it is said that malnutrition not only depends on the above factors but also on the health conditions of the population.

At the same time, the concept of food sovereignty is being developed, which is the right of peoples to define their agricultural and food policy, without dumping, against third countries.


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How to Cite
Castillo ValenzuelaF. (2015). The project for the conservation of genetic resources and food security advances. AXIOMA, 1(1), 9. Retrieved from


Castillo Valenzuela, F. (2015). Avanza el proyecto de conservación de los recursos genéticos y seguridad alimentaria. REVISTA CIENTÍFICA AXIOMA, 1(1), 9. Recuperado a partir de