Observation of the news content based on the diagnostic of the information processing in the print media in the Imbabura province

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Ximena Margarita Coronado Otavalo


This academic paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the information content published in printed media of circulation in the Imbabura province: Diario El Norte and Diario La Hora. The research is supported by the axes of human rights, migration, haven and gender. The importance of generating journalistic texts observation from the higher teaching point of view, as a contribution to influence the oversight of information management, is also identified. The research led to the conformation of the Citizen scrutiny of Written Media.


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How to Cite
Coronado OtavaloX. M. (2015). Observation of the news content based on the diagnostic of the information processing in the print media in the Imbabura province. AXIOMA, 1(14), 55-62. Retrieved from https://pucesinews.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/441


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