Bottle whistles, sounds hidden in time

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Mónica Polanco De Luca
Mónica Ayala Esparza
Tomás Espinosa


The following article describes research done on the Ecuadorian bottle whistle, which is produced in what is now known as Ecuador. The investigation done in relation to this artistic object, in context of the project in the interdisciplinary “Achalai” network seeks to understand, distribute, and develop the Pre-Hispanic musical heritage through research of wind instruments from Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Mexico. The objective is to acoustically model ICTs while valuing the ethnographic context mentioned. In this context, the Pre-Hispanic Acoustic subcommittee of the Ecuador carried out fieldwork at the Ecuadorian Cultural Ministry’s Archeological Reserve, which is located at the Cultural Center called Libertador Simon Bolivar (Guayaquil). In March 2012, the investigation related to the study object assigned, the Ecuadorian bottle whistle, was show showcased.


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How to Cite
Polanco De LucaM., Ayala EsparzaM., & EspinosaT. (2015). Bottle whistles, sounds hidden in time. AXIOMA, 1(14), 63-73. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Tomás Espinosa, Docente emérito Escuela Politécnica Nacional


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