SWOT analysis to determine strategies for improving academic achievement in basic scientific training of the School of Automotive Engineering of the UPS

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Mary Josefina Vergara Paredes
Nayive Jaramillo Santana
Robinson Fernando Portilla Flores
Cristian Leonardo Garcia Garcia
Juan Pablo Montero Salgado


This research is based on the high level study of students who have failed in subjects in the area of basic scientific training of the major Automotive Mechanical Engineering of the Salesian Polytechnic University (CIMA_UPS), according to statistics accounted by the Technical Secretariat of Statistics at the university.
For research, surveys were conducted to teachers and students of CIMA_UPS during the 2014-2015 periods. The problem takes place mainly in the subjects of calculus (vector, differential and integral) and Static. The surveys carried out show that one part responsible for the underperformance is the didactic used in the teaching process, so an analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) is carried out, which leads to define strategies aimed at changing methodological guidelines, updating the teacher training and the recognition of student performance through accumulation of credits in the subjects of basic training. These strategies will be implemented in the next cycle, taking as a basis, projects with technological innovation guided through the reproduction of an industrial environment in the classroom. These strategies will be implemented in the next cycle, taking as a basis, projects guided with technological innovation through the reproduction of an industrial atmosphere in the classroom.


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How to Cite
Vergara ParedesM. J., Jaramillo SantanaN., Portilla FloresR. F., Garcia GarciaC. L., & Montero SalgadoJ. P. (2015). SWOT analysis to determine strategies for improving academic achievement in basic scientific training of the School of Automotive Engineering of the UPS. AXIOMA, 1(14), 74-86. Retrieved from https://pucesinews.pucesi.edu.ec/index.php/axioma/article/view/443
Author Biographies

Mary Josefina Vergara Paredes, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Investigadora Prometeo asignada a la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Ecuador.

Nayive Jaramillo Santana

Coordinadora del área de Mecánica Racional, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de los Andes. Mérida – Venezuela.

Robinson Fernando Portilla Flores

Docente investigador. Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Cristian Leonardo Garcia Garcia

Director de la carrera de Ingeniería Mecánica Automotriz. Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Juan Pablo Montero Salgado

Docente investigador. Universidad Politécnica Salesiana


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