Dance and water: Alternative training for strengthening and integral development in contemporary dance student

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Marai Garay Coyac
Yeny Ávila García


The purpose of this research was to propose an alternate training for the students of the Dancing career of the Arts Faculty in the Chihuahua Autonomous University, contributing to the strengthening and integral development of the average dancer thanks to a water training program. The research process included surveys, test of physical capacities, in­quiry about the water properties and practice in the aquatic environment. Water aerobic exercises were used, as well as ballet basic technique and complementary movements to develop flexibility and strength. The information obtained showed a significant progress in the basic principles of the movement and its foundations, improving abilities and physical-mental skills. Eventually, some educational material combining the approaches of several authors with the gained experience during the investigation was elaborated so the stu­dents could continue with the training.


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How to Cite
Garay CoyacM., & Ávila GarcíaY. (2016). Dance and water: Alternative training for strengthening and integral development in contemporary dance student. AXIOMA, (15), 96-101. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Marai Garay Coyac, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Docente-Investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua- México, Licenciatura en Danza Contemporánea, Facultad de Artes.

Yeny Ávila García, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Docente-Investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua- México, Licenciatura en Danza Contemporánea, Facultad de Artes.


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