Evaluation of the sustaintability of products systems in the stripe of diversity of life: biosphere reserve yasuní, amazon region.
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The progressive human needs along with the economic activities, exert an increasing pressure of the natural resour-ces; the environmental problems generated by lifestyles are incompatible with the process of the environment regeneration. The management of natural resources and its sustainability has been an externality in the political, economic, social and environmental areas. The objective of this work was to evaluate the sustainability of productive systems in Waorani indigenous settlements and mestizo settlers in the Diversity and Life Strip located in the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. The method of evaluation for sustainability of agricultural and food systems (SAFA) was used, which includes four dimensions (Good Governance, Environmental Integrity, Economic Resilience and Social Welfare), as well as 21 issues, 58 sub-themes and 116 indicators, their performance is measured in the scale from 1 (Unacceptable: red) to 5 (Best: Green). Following snowball sampling, six case studies were identified: three Waorani Indigenous and three mestizos settlers. Data collection was carried out through: 1) household head surveys, 2) direct observation for six months and 3) literature review. Due to the socio-cultural context of the Waorani, the issues of corporate ethics and responsibilities were not evaluated, the results categorized as “Best” are evidenced in the degree of sustainability by scenarios evaluated: 1) Waorani: the subjects Participation, Equity and Cultural Diversity and 2) Mestizos Settlers: Animal Welfare, Local Economy and Human Security and Health issues while the worst valued results in scenario 1 Waorani are: Product quality and information and Fair trade practices. The dynamics of the degree of sustainability of the scenarios evaluated show the approximation of the polygons to the real production systems in the resulting graphs.
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