Effective judicial protection in the case of: illegal mining protected forest los Cedros – Ecuador
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In the present investigation, the violation of the constitutional rights of nature or Pacha Mama was analyzed, due to the lack of effective judicial protection in a case of illegal mining carried out in the Protected Forest of Los Cedros - Ecuador. Specifically, an analysis is made of what corresponds to the parties’ requests and the Court’s motivation of the Provincial Court of Justice regarding the knowledge of case No. 10332-2018-00640, as a controversy presented by the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the “Canton Santa Ana de Cotacachi” against the Ministry of Environment and Waters, Office of the State Attorney General and National Mining Company of Ecuador, for the events transpired in the Los Cedros Protected Forest.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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