Temporal Variation of Peak Hours and Hourly Volume Factors for Two Lane Highways: Case Study Loja- Zamora Highway
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One of the main objectives of traffic studies is to determine the existing vehicular traffic on a particular stretch of highway under study. Key figures such as the volume and speed are usually worked with, and from these other important variables such as: peak hour factors also known by its acronym PHF are derived. This study analyzes the temporal variation of PHF for a two lane highway in a rural area and the relationship with the hourly volumes for seven continuous days of 24 hours. Data was collected by using a pneumatic counter, the MetroCount model MC5600 plus, installed in the Loja-Zamora road, in southern Ecuador. The methodology proposed by HCM-2000 was used to gather the data. The data revealed that peak hours and the relationship with the vehicular volume are similar and consistent with those obtained in studies conducted in other countries.
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AXIOMA- Revista Científica de Investigación, Docencia y Proyección Social
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