Pedagogy, the Guiding Science of Andragogy: A Critical Analysis of the Role of the Teacher in Education

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Consuelo del Rocío Perez
Paulina Fabiola Zary Corral


Pedagogy and Andragogy are considered different educational disciplines, however, its fields and forms of action in educational practice prove to be aspects of the same dialectical pair: guides and education. It then performs a comparative analysis that determines correspondence, allowing to conclude that the two disciplines have as a focal point the formation of a competent individual to meet the challenges offered by the present world and its unstoppable march. The teacher as an active entity involved in education, has the crucial challenge of being at the forefront and take education as what is science and, through it, face the technological challenges that characterize the twenty-first century education. Therefore, for someone who is human beings, love, values, active listening, emotional intelligence ... are qualities which prevail over pedagogical-andragogical knowledge; therefore, a critical analysis in which the real role of the teacher in education evidence is proposed.


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How to Cite
PerezC. del R., & Zary CorralP. F. (2016). Pedagogy, the Guiding Science of Andragogy: A Critical Analysis of the Role of the Teacher in Education. AXIOMA, 2(13), 33-40. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Consuelo del Rocío Perez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador- Sede Quito. Docente en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Escuela Politécnica Nacional- Sede Quito. Docente en la Facultad de Ingeniería en Sistemas

Paulina Fabiola Zary Corral, Escuela Politécnica Nacional -Sede Quito.



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